Rust on NixOS (outdated)
it will take a very long time for the initial shell to launch since 1000s of paths need to be initialized. However, subsequent shells will launch instantly.
let mozilla = import (builtins.fetchTarball; nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ mozilla ]; }; rustStable = (nixpkgs.rustChannelOf { date = "2021-03-25"; channel = "stable"; }).rust.override { extensions = [ "clippy-preview" "rustfmt-preview" "rust-analysis" "rust-std" "rustc-dev" "rust-src" ]; }; in with nixpkgs; mkShell { buildInputs = [ rustStable ]; RUST_BACKTRACE = 1; }
I use this in conjunction with nvim+coc, rust-analyzer and direnv. You can find my configuration files for nvim, direnv etc. in github:scriptdevil/nix-config